Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Customer Service in action

So, after trashing my last pair of cheap primark shades, yes I know but for £2 each, a tenners worth lasted me nearly a year.

So I decide last night to get some new pairs.

I quite fancy some flashy new prada ones, but at £170 a pop, and with my record for leaving them places or breaking them, that's a no no

I end up at

Don't go there yet, let me set the scene.

It's 11:30, I just want to order some shades and go to bed.

I goto the site...BLARING MUSIC..

Ah like wtf! where's the mute button.

Q:Now what moron designs a site with no mute button?
A: apparently, now they might have been told not to by their customer, but frankly I can't see it really.

Perhaps someone from dreamshock can comment?

Now, go have a look, find the mute button?

that's right, you're not missing it, it's not there.

So I drop the guy a line.

What's the with blaring music?

I get a reply.

Jason- Eye Dezigns -

Thank you for your comments,we have over 500 individual customers per day and your the first to give those comments,the fact that you find them annoying is of no concern ,and the fact that you wright a email at 11.35pm to tell us shows us that you have nothing better to do with your time .

So not a, wow, we hadn't noticed, thanks for pointing this out, a big, you're a customer, we have some of those bogg off.

and yes, whoever it is, can't manage to spell write...

So, I politely pointed out, I'm sure the digg crowd would enjoy this, it's given me some laughs, and I'm sure everyone will want to know what to expect from customer services there....

1 comment:

Jason said...

Hi I am the owner of eye-designs. This is the actual email that Ian sent to me on Tuesday 13 May. While I always take feedback seriously, I don't find this email a constructive comment. As stated in Ian's comment 'what's with the music?' please see his email below.

Congratulations on having one of the most annoying websites I've visited in months.

You might have the best prices, best quality and best customer service on the planet, however I'll never know, after 3 repeats of yayaaaha or whatever the noise the guy is making, I fled your site, as there was no obvious way to turn of the hideous music, or flash based flashing lights.

I suggest you speak to whoever designed your website and ask for your money back.



If Ian had just commented on the music in not such a aggressive manor then our comment to him would have been different.

I am well aware that everyone is different and has alternative tastes but we can't please everyone.

Ian, I wish you well for the future.